"This book chronicles a series of evocations performed by the magician Frater Ashen Chassan (aka Bryan Garner) and his scryer. In case you're not familiar with how the ritual format of magician and scryer works, what happens is the magician summons the spirit, manages the ritual, and questions the spirit while the scryer focuses on just perceiving the spirit and relaying its answers to the magician. I've selected the transcripts of their conjurations of the spirits Anael, Samael, Metatron, and Paymon."
The second reading is from the "Ra Contact", a set of books our friend Dave (and myself) had kept seeing around. I found it all online for free and have linked the first communication between this other presence and the person channeling ("the instrument").
- Gateways Through Light and Shadow (click here)
- Ra Contact (click here)